Fake migration dataset used to demonstrate the functionality of the hhm function in the hhmR package. It contains the information on the number of people who have moved between a series of fictional geographies. The geographies themselves have a hierarchical structure, with each county existing within a smaller subset of regions.



A data frame with 324 rows and 5 variables.

Origin County

The county (lower-level geography) that each migrant began in.

Destination County

The county (lower-level geography) that each migrant ended up in.

Origin Region

The region (higher-level geography) that each migrant began in.

Destination Region

The region (higher-level geography) that each migrant ended up in.


The number of migrants that moved from each origin county to each destination county.


#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

# Code to create dataset

# Define names of fake counties
fake_counties = c("Greenridge","Windermoor","Bramblewood","Silverlake",

# Create region county lookup tables
rc_lkp = data.frame(region = c(rep("North",3),rep("Midlands",5),
                               rep("South West",4),rep("South East",6)),
                    county = fake_counties)
og_lkp = rc_lkp %>% setNames(c("Origin Region"     ,"Origin County"     ))
dn_lkp = rc_lkp %>% setNames(c("Destination Region","Destination County"))

# Create dataframe of fake migration data
example_migration = expand.grid(fake_counties,fake_counties) %>%
                    setNames(paste(c("Origin","Destination"),"County",sep=" ")) %>%
                    full_join(og_lkp) %>% full_join(dn_lkp) %>%
                    mutate(Migration = (1/rgamma(18*18, shape = 17, rate = 0.5)) %>%
                                       {. * 1000} %>% round())
#> Joining with `by = join_by(`Origin County`)`
#> Joining with `by = join_by(`Destination County`)`
example_migration[example_migration$`Origin County` ==
                  example_migration$`Destination County`,"Migration"] =
 example_migration[example_migration$`Origin County` ==
                   example_migration$`Destination County`,"Migration"] * 10