Creates a labelled time-series heatmap from heirarchical data. This function is useful if you wish to create a time-series heatmap where the categories shown on the y axis can be grouped in some way. This heatmap will order the categories by their assigned group and present both the categories and group labels along the y-axis. An example might be series of smaller geographies (lower categories) which aggregate into larger geographical regions (upper groups).
sort_lower = "alphabetical",
lgttl = NULL,
bins = NULL,
cbrks = NULL,
cclrs = NULL,
norm_lgd = FALSE,
lgdps = 0,
na_colour = NULL,
xttl_height = 0.05,
yttl_width = 0.15
A data.frame with containing values with which to populate the heatmap. The data.frame must include columns specifying the lower categories (`lower`) and upper groups (`upper`) that each value corresponds to. These categories and groups will be used to arrange and label the rows of the heatmap. `df` must also contain a `values` variable, containing the values used to populate the heatmap, and a `times` variable, containing the time period during which each value was observed. Note that the groups in `upper` will by default be arranged alphabetically (top to bottom). The ordering of the groups can be manually specified by converting `upper` to a factor. In this case, the groups will be ordered based on the ordering of the factor levels. The ordering of rows within each group can also be specified using the `sort_lower` variable.
A column in `df` containing the categories that will be presented as rows along the y-axis of the heatmap.
A column in `df` containing the groupings that will be used to arrange the heatmap rows.
A column in `df` containing the time-period during which each each value in `values` was observed.
A column in `df` containing the values used to populate the heatmap.
Option to define how rows (lower) within each group (upper) are ordered. The default option is `alphabetical`, which orders rows in alphabetical order from top to bottom. Other options include `sum_ascend` and `mean_ascend`, which order rows in ascending order (top to bottom) based on the row totals and row means respectively. This order can be reversed with the options `sum_descend` and `mean_descend`.
Option to manually define legend title.
Option to break the data into a specified number of groups (defaults to `NULL`). The thresholds between these groups will be equally spaced between the minimum and maximum values observed in `values`.
Vector of custom breaks, if users wish to use a discrete legend colour scheme (defaults to `NULL`). For example, a supplied vector of `c(5,10, 20)` would break he values up into 5 ordered groups of ranges 0, 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 and 20+.
Vector of hexcodes, which to create a custom legend colour scheme (defaults to `NULL`). If `cbrks` is supplied, `cclrs` must have a length two longer than `cbrks`. If `bins` is supplied, `cclrs` must have a length equal to the values provided to `bins`.
Normalised to between 0 and 1 in legend (defaults to `FALSE`). Allows for consistency when comparing heatmaps across different datasets. At present, this only works if all heatmap values are positive.
If using custom breaks, define the number of decimal points to round the legend scale to (defaults to 0). If `norm_lgd` is `TRUE`, it will default to 3.
Option to define the colour of NA values in the legend (defaults to `NULL`, meaning NA values will be assigned no colour).
The space allocated to the title on the x-axis as a proportion of the heatmap's height (defaults to 0.05).
The space allocated to the group titles on the y-axis as a proportion of the heatmap's width (defaults to 0.15).
A ggplot object containing the final heatmap.
# Import toy demonstration dataset (see `?example_time_series` for see details)
# Intial heatmap
time_series_heatmap = tshhm(df = example_time_series,
lower = "County",
upper = "Region",
times = "Year",
values = "Immigration",
yttl_width = 0.25)
# View result
# For more details, see the package vignette at